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2004-11-15 18:13:26

New Bottero equipments on display in Düsseldorf

The company «Bottero Spa» has introduced to the market, during the exhibition Glastech 2004 recently held in Dusseldorf, four new models of glass working and handling machinery.
The first is the horizontal cnc drilling and milling machinery model 770, ideal for the production of doors (cut outs) and drills.
The second machine is the automatic cutting table for laminated glass model 520.
The third machine is the vertical automatic line 560 for the XY cut of laminated glass, ideal for those customers with high volume of triplex glasses to be cut.
The fourth machine is the 680, an automatic glass stocking solution to recover the unused part of glasses and re-use upon request.
This equipment is developed with the cooperation with the German software house "Albat+Wirsam".
The associated company «Bimatech Srl», part of the Bottero Group since year 2000, has shown the new 5 axis equipment Multiwork GLP 3000.
Further information can be obtained by Bottero Sales Dept. Flat Glass Division or local representative "OOO Meran 2000".

Прислал(а): danilo.fuligno@bottero.com

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